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We work to find like minded people and communities that understand the benefits of working with Nature to help people, the environment and economic prosperity.  


Three distinct products come from milkweed pods: fiber, seed, and biomass. While there are uses for all three, staying focused is important. You see, there are so many different uses you COULD chase in creating milkweed products, that it burns resources quickly, so, we have opted for slow, painstaking growth. When we HAVE chosen to rush ahead, investing large amounts of money into research or securing huge supplies of milkweed materials without an established market demanding it, we’ve had the opportunity to crawl out from the brink of bankruptcy on several occasions. It is our hope that we’ve learned that lesson, but time will tell…



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Frequently Asked Questions

I have an idea, can you help?
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Yes! We do not have room on this website to discuss all the possibilities milkweed has in store for the future. The plant and monarchs need our help to make milkweed more available throughout the Flyway. In our estimation, this can only be accomplished through conservation that pays by monetizing milkweed. We welcome collaboration and would love to help you take your product ideas to market. Contact us!

What volumes can you handle as a supplier of materials?
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As with any resource, if we have a market that supports the regenerative efforts of communities and the environment, we will be able to grow the supply to large levels. In addition, as more uses are found and introduced to the market, all the milkweed materials will lower in cost as uses share the cost of community conservation and processing. Since no one product will use all the materials from the collected pods, we want to partner with communities to build their "own" value added products and then share other materials they do not need with the network, helping everyone reduce costs, increase demand and production. If you have a target volume, let us know and we can see how we might work together. Contact us! 

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